Saturday, August 31, 2019

Poems by Blake and Wordsworth Essay

Two aspects of London as shown through a response to poems by Blake and Wordsworth. When comparing Blake and Wordsworth’s pieces, the respective perspectives of the authors should never be far from our thoughts. Whereas Blake lived in London his whole life and seldom ventured outside its borders, Wordsworth was a rural person whose only experiences of London came from short visits. Unaccustomed to the hustle and bustle of City life, Wordsworth led a comparatively relaxed existence which perhaps accounts for his romantic and gentile style. We should not be surprised to see that Blake, a frequenter of the less-desirable districts of the capital, offers a far more cynical portrayal of London. Blake’s poem is a social commentary which points an ugly finger at the industrialist pioneers and the flaws of Industrial society. Blake was a renowned radical of the era with far-reaching ideas. He uses many literary devices to impart his opinions upon his audience. This is superbly demonstrated when he writes: â€Å"I wander through each chartered street† The reference is a metaphorical reflection on Blake’s perception that anything and everything is for sale in an industrial society and, in particular, in its impoverished areas. Repetition is clearly employed when the piece claims: â€Å"In every cry of every man, In every infant’s cry of fear, In every voice, in every ban, The mind-forged manacles I hear† The repetition could be equated with anything from the machinery at work in the factories and mills, to an assault of stabbing pain upon those suffering in poverty. Within the framework which Blake creates, the reader is left to determine his own idea of what the repetition may represent, and this is at the centre of the verse’s success. Irony is employed with great effect in the verse beginning â€Å"How the chimney-sweeper’s cry†. The author contrasts the poverty and ill-health of chimney-sweeps with the wealth of the church, and suggests that instead of helping the poor the church pays them a pittance to work in hazardous conditions. Irony often stands side by side with black humour, and both are well-demonstrated in this verse. The amusing of the reader with a subject which should not amuse serves to further draw them into the piece. In the latter part of the same verse, emotive comparisons are made between the plight of London’s less-fortunate and warfare. Blake’s use of the word ‘soldiers’ is no accident here; for soldiers are tools of war, and must have opponents. This leads the reader to ask: with whom are the ‘soldiers’ at war? As Marx foretold and the French Revolution demonstrated, the working classes and those controlling the means of production operate with opposing aims. Blake brings a new element of severity to the situation by suggesting that forces are at work against the poor subjects. INSERT LAST VERSE DISCUSSION HERE Wordsworth is blissfully unaware of the scenes which Blake paints. Indeed, Wordsworth’s London is so far removed from Blake’s that one is led to ask whether the two are writing of the same city at all. There is a significant period of time between the two which could arguably account for this; Wordsworth’s work being written before the Industrial Revolution and Blake’ at its height.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Macbeth’s Crimes Essay

Macbeth’s crimes are blood, appalling and pitiless. Does Shakespeare present this â€Å"butcher†, â€Å"hell-kite† and â€Å"fiend† as a monster or as someone with whom it is possible to feel sympathy? The play Macbeth was written by William Shakespeare. It was written for the successor of Elizabeth I, James I of England. James I of England, who was James VI of Scotland, was a descendent of Banquo, and for this reason Shakespeare changed his play from the way this event actually took place in history. In history Banquo actually aided Macbeth in the killing of Duncan, this would have upset the king and may have got Shakespeare in a lot of trouble. Therefore Shakespeare changed it so that Banquo was not part of the plan to murder the king and was against the idea totally. Shakespeare added the witches into the play, as James was deeply interested in witchcraft. This would make the play more appealing to the king. James was a firm believe of â€Å"The Divine Right Of Kings†, this was a way of thinking that kings were hand picked by God and that they were, second in the hierarchy of the whole universe underneath God. As James believed in this way of thinking it made the murder of Duncan a lot more dramatic. When Duncan was murdered there was dramatic affects on Scotland. Shakespeare showed this unnatural affect over Scotland by things happening that would not happen normally. Such as horses eating each other and earthquakes happening. In the play Macbeth is shown as a tradgic hero. A tradgic hero is when a great heroic man has a weakness in his character, for Macbeth the flaw in his character is his great ambition. His flaw has come from the witches telling him the 3 prophecies. This turned his whole perspective around and that was when his ambition took over. As the play starts we see do not see Macbeth but we hear of how great a man he is and how much of a great brave worrier he is highly respected by all of his fellow Thanes and he also commands high respect from the king as well. There seems to be a connection with him and the witches in the first scene as the witches say â€Å"Fair is foul, and foul is fair† (act 1, scene I) This quotation show that things are not exactly what they seem. Macbeth repeats these words later on in that act. â€Å"So foul and fair a day I have no seen† (Act 1, scene III) When Macbeth says this there is a sense that the witch has already got some power over him, even though they have not met each other yet. At the battle the sergeant seems very happy that they had Macbeth on his side. The sergeant shows that he has great respect for Macbeth by complimenting him. † Except they mount to the battle in reeking wounds; or memorize another Golgotha† (Act 1, scene II) This phrase means that the sergeant was not sure if Macbeth and Banquo wanted to swim in blood or make another Golgotha, which was when Jesus was sacrificed. King Duncan also shows his respect for Macbeth when he says: † O valiant cousin! Worthy gentlemen!† (Act 1, scene II) Duncan is showing that he has great amounts of respect for Macbeth. After the battle has taken place Macbeth and Banquo are on their way home when the come across the 3 witches. The witches great Macbeth with 3 prophesies: 1. All hail Macbeth! Hail to thee, Thane of Glamis! 2. All hail Macbeth! Hail to thee, Thane of Cawdor! 3. All hail Macbeth! That shalt be king hereafter. As Macbeth is told he will be king hereafter there is a thought in the back of his mind to kill the king. These prophecies have shocked Macbeth and when the witches start to leave he tries to make them stay. He tries to make them tell him more about the prophecies. When Ross tells Macbeth that he has become Thane of Cawdor, Macbeth has the thought of killing the king again. Banquo says to him self in a soliloquy â€Å"What can the devil speak true?† (Act1, scene III) Banquo is stunned at the news, as is Macbeth. Macbeth asks them where they got this information as the Thane of Cawdor lives. Ross says that the Thane of Cawdor has been a traitor and that he is to be hanged. In Macbeths first soliloquy he says â€Å"Glamis, and Thane of Cawdor: The greatest is behind.† (Act 1, scene III) This shows that Macbeth has great trust in the prophecies and is contemplating weather or not to kill the king. Macbeth also shows that he doesn’t really want to kill the king when he says † If chance will have me king, why, chance may crown me, with out my stir.† (Act 1, scene III) Macbeth is showing resistance to killing the king as he thinks that if he doesn’t do anything then maybe he will have a change of being king. This shows that Macbeth does have a conscience and that he knows the difference between right and wrong. There is a great contrast between Banquo and Macbeth when they are told about each of their prophecies. Macbeth looks a lot in to them where as Banquo doesn’t really look into them much. Banquo also warns Macbeth that the witches prophecies may not be the whole truth and may cause a lot of damage to him, despite this Macbeth still wants to be king. This shows Macbeth has ambition and this is the flaw of his character. Macbeth is not at all happy with Duncan’s decision to make Malcolm, The Prince of Cumberland his heir to the throne. Macbeth is so angry with the decision in his soliloquy he says â€Å"Stars hide your fires! Let not light see my black and deep desires† (Act 1 scene III) Macbeth has reached a turning point he wants to kill Duncan because now there is now way the he can become king unless he kills Duncan. The quotation shows that he knows what he is going to do is wrong so he wants to make no one can see what he is doing. In act 1 scene VII Macbeth has another soliloquy in which he faces a real dilemma. He is stuck with the decision weather or not to kill the king. His say â€Å"He is here in double trust: First as I am his kinsman and his subject, Strong both against deed; then, as his host, Who should against his murderer shut the door† (Act 1, scene VII) Macbeth is really confused at this point he is not sure if he wants to kill Duncan or not. The quote above shows if he does then he is going against his morals and conscience. I think Macbeth knows the full consequences of what he is about to do, this is why he has some doubt in his mind, as the consequences are terrible. Macbeth then talks to his wife about his plan to kill Duncan, and how he is having second thoughts about killing Duncan. Lady Macbeth teases him, so out of pride Macbeth is forced into killing Duncan. In Act 2 Scene I Macbeth is all alone when he sees a dagger in front off him. â€Å"Is this a dagger which I see before me, the handle toward my hand? Come, let me clutch thee: I have thee not† (Act 2, scene I) I think that there is a large significance of this dagger being there. The dagger is blood soaked and is pointing towards the chambers of the king. I think that the dagger is a way of his mind showing us that he has a guilty conscience and that he has become possessed by evil. All of the forcing from his wife has passed him over to the evil side and now he is dead set on killing Duncan. There is also an element of ambition, as he wants to kill Duncan to show he is capable and also for himself to show that he is a real man to his wife. Once Macbeth has murdered Duncan he acts very strange almost like he is in a daze. He looks very disturbed, he says â€Å"This is a sorry sight† (Act2, scene II) He says this as he is looking at his hands as if he was disgusted with himself and that he couldn’t believe he had done such a terrible thing. While Macbeth was killing Duncan he heard voices saying â€Å"Sleep no more! Macbeth does murder sleep† (Act 2, scene II) This really got to Macbeth, he didn’t know where the voice came from and it really startled him. Lady Macbeth just told him to take no notice of what the voices had said. â€Å"But wherefore could not I pronounce ‘Amen’? I had most need of blessing, and ‘Amen’ stuck in my throat.† (Act 2, scene II) This also scared Macbeth has when he was about to kill Duncan he wanted to say a prayer but the word ‘Amen’ was stuck in his throat. These two affects were the first few consequences of killing Duncan. â€Å"Will all great Neptune’s ocean wash this blood clean from my hand? No, this my hand will rather The multitudinous sea incarnadine, Make the green one red† (Act 2, scene II) This quote shows Macbeth is starting to feel guilty about his actions. When Macbeth says will great Neptune’s oceans wash this blood clean from my hands he is conveying that it is such a bad thing that he has done nothing in the universe can clear him of his sins. Macbeth shows regret for him killing Duncan when he says â€Å"Wake Duncan with thy knocking! I would thou couldst!† (Act 2, scene II) Macbeth is becoming unstable mentally and is regretting killing Duncan. In act 3 Scene 4 Macbeth is having a banquet. At the start Macbeth is called away to see on of the murderers who gave him a report. Macbeth wanted Banquo and his son Fleance to be killed, the murderers only killed Banquo but Fleance got away. â€Å"Then comes my fit again: I had else been perfect; Whole as the marble, founded as the rock, As broad and general as the casing air: But now I am cabin’d, cribb’d, confin’d, bound in To saucy doubts and fears.† (Act 3, scene IV) Macbeth is very frustrated that the killers did not kill Fleance as it has ruined his plan but he believes he can get around this hiccup. Once Macbeth has returned to the banquet he is asked to join the Lords. Lenox says to Macbeth here is a place reserv’d, sir. Macbeth asks him where? Lenox says here my good lord. What is’t that moves your highness? Macbeth goes into a rage and starts to scream â€Å"Which of you have done this?† (Act 3, scene IV) Macbeth sees Banquos ghost in his chair, now Macbeth is going insane. All of the guest’s start to worry about the king but lady Macbeth tells them â€Å"Sit worthy friends: my lord is often thus, and hath been from his youth: pray you keep seat; the fit is momentary; upon a thought He will again be well.† (Act 3, scene IV) Lady Macbeth is trying to cover for Macbeth by saying that he is disturbed because of a childhood drama. Lady Macbeth does this out of panic so that none of the lords are worried about the king. This could also affect his respect and reputation with the lords as they may think he is delusional. Lady Macbeth covers for Macbeth very well. Lady Macbeth then asks the lords to leave, as Macbeth is very sick. Once the lords had left Macbeth tells lady Macbeth that he has a spy in every house. Lady Macbeth tells Macbeth to get some sleep as he is become mentally unstable. Macbeth is suffering from all of the killing that he has done and it is not only affecting him it is also affecting his marriage to which seems to be deteriorating as the play goes on. In Act 4 scene I Macbeth goes to visit the witches, which shows he firmly trusts the witches as he has gone to them which gives a sense that they hove power over him where as if he waited and let them come to him he would not have given the impression that he was desperate. Macbeth is told 3 prophecies the first is: â€Å"Macbeth! Macbeth! Macbeth! Beware Macduff; Beware the Thanes of Fife. Dismiss me. Enough† (Act 4, scene I) The first apparition says this; it is a warning to Macbeth simply telling him to beware of Macduff, as he is dangerous. Macduff was never happy about Macbeth becoming king as Macduff never attended Macbeths crowning and he also suspected Macbeth of killing Duncan. The second prophecies is: â€Å"Be bloody, bold and resolute; laugh to scorn the power of man, for none of women born shall harm Macbeth† (Act 4, scene I) This prophecy made Macbeth relax a little, as he didn’t think that there was any one in the world that could not be of women born. Which made him feel much more safer and almost invincible. The third prophecies is: â€Å"Macbeth shall never vanquish’d be until great Birnam wood to high Dunsinane Hill; shall come against him† (Act 4, scene I) Macbeth was very happy with this prophecy as for him this meant he was invincible, as he believed that Burnam wood would never come to Dunsinane. He shows that he is very happy about his prophecies when he says: â€Å"That will never be: Who can impress the forest, bid the tree Unfix his earth bound root? Sweet bodements! Good!† (Act 4, scene I) Macbeth has decided to kill the Macduffs as Macduff has flied to England and Macbeth sees this as the perfect time and way to kill them. If they are killed Macduff will be distort and will want to kill Macbeth but Macbeth thinks he is invincible. This is the perfect time as there is no one to protect his family. In Act 5 scene I Macbeth is getting ready for battle when he hears a women screaming he sends his servant to investigate. He returns and tells Macbeth that his wife is dead. Macbeth responds to this by saying: â€Å"She would have dies hereafter; There would have been a time for such a word. To-morrow, and to-morrow, and to-morrow, Creeps in this pretty pace from day to day, To the last syllable of recorded time; and all our yesterdays have lighted fools the way to dusty death. Out, out, brief candle! Life’s but a walking shadow, a poor player that struts and frets his hour upon the stage, and then is heard no more; it is a tale told by an idiot, gull of sound and furry, signifying nothing.† (Act 5, scene V) This speech is said by Macbeth as he thinks life is not worth living for any more. He tries hard to make his life better but in the end he is going to die so what is the point. That is the kind of attitude he is taking. Macbeth is then told that Burnam Wood is moving to wards Dunsinane. Macbeth reacts very badly to this he calls the messenger a â€Å"Liar and slave† (Act 5, scene V) Macbeth cannot believe it, the wood is moving, he is in such anger as the prophecies are not holding up to their word. Macbeth has his armour put on so he is ready for battle. In the final scene Macbeth and Macduff have a battle, Macbeth is very full of himself until Macduff says â€Å"Despair thy charm: and let the angel whom thou still hast serv’d tell thee, Macduff was from his mother’s womb untimely ripp’d.† (Act 5, scene VII) Macbeth is in shock he cannot believe it, all the prophecies have been untrue. Them Macbeth is killed bye Macduff and Macbeths head is stuck on a poll and paraded around. This was a way of showing the people that if they betray the king this is what will happen to them. The witches have influenced Macbeth, if they had not shown him the 3 prophecies then he would never have killed the king and he would still be a noble man. The witches were agents of evil so they were bound to tempt Macbeth. The witches simply showed Macbeth what he could be if he listened to them they did not force him they gave him the option and Macbeth choose their way. The witches have no power so they simply temp and try to push Macbeth in the direction they want him to go. Their influence is fair great on Macbeth. Lady Macbeth is a very possessive woman and has a great amount of ambition about her. When she read the letter from her husband in Act 1 scene V she was determined on making Macbeth the king. She wanted him so badly to become the king. She showed her determination in Act 1 scene VII when she said she would: â€Å"I have given suck, and know how tender ’tis to love the babe that milks me: I would, while it was smiling up in my face, Have pluck’d my nipple from his boneless gums, and dash’d the brains out, had I so sworn as you have to this.† (Act 1, scene VII) She is so determined she would kill her own baby while she was feeding it, this shows that she is a very strong women. Lady Macbeth wants to become purely evil she shows this when she says â€Å"Come spirits that tend on mortal thoughts! Unsex me here, and fill me from the crown to the toe top-full of direst cruelty; make thick my blood.† (Act 1, scene V) Lady Macbeth also says â€Å"TH’ effect and it! Come to my women’s breasts, and take my milk for gall, you murdering ministers, wherever in your sightless substances† Lady Macbeth wants very thing that is feminine about her taken away from her so she can be purely evil. Lady Macbeth shows she isn’t purely evil in Act 2 scene II when Macbeth asks her why she didn’t kill Duncan she says â€Å"Had he not resembled my father as he slept, I had done’t.† (Act 2, scene II) As the play goes on lady Macbeth and Macbeths relationship starts to fall apart. At the beginning of the play Macbeth tells his wife every thing as the play digresses they lose faith and trust in each other. They do not tell each other anything. Lady Macbeth was not told by Macbeth that he was planning to kill Banquo or the Macduff’s he simply just didn’t communicate with her anymore. I believe that Shakespeare has presented Macbeth as some one who you can feel sympathy for, as he seems to be pushed in to killing Duncan by Lady Macbeth. I think that he never had any intentions of killing Duncan it was because his wife drove him so that he could gain power. He was not as strong as he seems, his wife bullies him into killing Duncan but he is a hero on the battlefield. Also if he had not seen the witches then I do not think that he would have any thoughts of killing the king.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Ethics Case Study Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Ethics Case Study Paper - Essay Example This is to be able to keep up with the standards and the basis of the economy. A socialist economy has a different set of value than a free economy. A socialist economy is focused more on equality while a free economy is more on individuality and independence. Business makes decisions based on a utilitarian perspective. Economics assume that humans make decisions based on their rational self-interest, which increases their individual values and utility. This is the same with businesses. Since economics studies and analyzes efficiency of using limited resources to achieve maximum satisfaction and benefits based on the economy’s wants and needs, businesses look for results that will increase their productivity and generated income. Though rational decisions may change on the given circumstances, the perspective of a business remains the same, to gain revenue and to increase productivity. Ethics and social norms are the factors that tends to hold back businesses in greedily assuming all values and profits they can get with the limited resources that the environment has and can produce. Ethics are the guidelines by which businesses consider when taking on projects or developing projects. The accompanying changes in ethical standards and considerations of different economies can be seen on how China, U.S. and Jamaica faced economic changes. Chinese business culture is based on the perspective of Confucianism and Maoism, which focuses on moral principles and standards. Jamaica, on the other hand, was willing to open its doors to capitalism, aiming to rise above from their colonial status. With this, Jamaica is more open to a capitalist structured norms and values, which is being open, free and independent. Thus, Jamaica shows a lower uncertainty avoidance showing that they are open to risks and challenges. U.S. being a proponent of capitalism and democracy has values set on individualism and independence. But all being part of the global

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Reflection & Reaction Activity 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Reflection & Reaction Activity 1 - Essay Example It is also true according to chapter three that women are getting more empowered. Many of them are going to white collar jobs other than taking care of the family and doing house chore duties as the case is initially. The most catching trend for me has many women take up careers and thus have minimal time to spend with the family as is the case initially especially in the 1970’s. As a result, these women are deemed to be breadwinners for their families and require support in handling house-chore duties and taking care of the children (YouTube, 2015). Their husbands have to offer a helping hand whereas others need an external third party to take up such duties. The attitude is also shifting to accommodate such women in the society and significantly implying that they are also good mothers and their relationship with their children is less the same as that enjoyed by a non-career woman. There are diverse factors leading to changes roles especially in America. First, there is a lot of empowerment for the girl child thus giving them an opportunity to be in a competitive position. The government has also provided a lot of grants in the form of loans to support such activities (Madichie, 2013). The following has resulted in many women being convinced that they can contribute to the income of their families something they have done well. For instance, as at 2008, 45% of the income the family received was from the women. Further, the workforce has reduced as stipulated in the companies and many institutions requiring gender balance. When comparing 2001 and 1997, there has been a greater revolution of the workforce according to a study that took place across the nation. Also, there has been a reduction in the amount earned by the man thus as at 2008, the gap between the spouses hit ten percent among individual couples. That

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Monopoly Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Monopoly - Research Paper Example This paper will explore the various barriers to entry in a monopolistic market structure. Discussion The primary method of discouraging businesses to operate in a monopolistic market is to create deliberate entry barriers in the form of trade barriers. Market regulators may decide to discourage new business entry by placing restrictions on licenses, tariffs, currency movement and by providing existing businesses with subsidies. Typically, trade barriers are taken into consideration in terms of international trade only (Hans, Dahringer, & Leihs, 1999). Governments are known to create entry restrictions through licensing restrictions whereby new businesses are not issued licenses to operate inside the market. For example, the defense industry in the United States is highly protected by the government, as foreign operatives are not issued licenses to operate in the same market. In addition to these licensing restrictions, governments may choose to restrict import and export licenses in order to keep a monopolistic market intact. Legal entry barriers are analogous to trade barriers. Governments employ various forms of laws to ensure that new businesses are unable to enter the target market. ... or example, a number of Islamic countries discourage the production of alcoholic products in their borders by complicating the launch of new alcohol manufacturing businesses (Blinder, Baumol, & Gale, 2001). In addition to legal and trade barriers, another entry barrier employs technological and copyright methods. The presence of copyrights and trademarks related to certain products means that new businesses cannot enter business segments protected in this fashion. Typically, copyrights and trademarks are employed to protect businesses that are unique in terms of content such as music, books, films etc. However, copyrights and trademarks are also employed to protect other businesses where new entrants could emerge such as pharmaceuticals. If a pharmaceutical company owns a certain patent for medicine, then only that business can produce the subject medicine. Other businesses may also acquire the formula but cannot produce due to copyright and patent restrictions. Monopolies emerge in markets where resources are scarce and controlled by one or a select few businesses. Perhaps, the most telling example of such monopolies is the production of oil and gas in the Central Asian region. Oil and gas resources are scarce around the world and businesses are trying to shift to newer sources of oil and gas present in Central Asia. However, these resources are controlled by the local governments and existing businesses that do not allow new businesses to enter the market. The control of these scarce resources by a few select businesses means that the emerging market structure is a monopoly (Hirschey, 2000). In a similar manner, large sunk costs discourage new businesses from entering the market. Sunk costs represent investments that cannot be recovered in case the business has to

Monday, August 26, 2019

State-building In Developing Countries Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

State-building In Developing Countries - Essay Example This report stresses that during the emergence of Europe, the most dominant powers were Germany and the United Kingdom and later America and the USSR. These nations through the exercise of their military and economic power had significant implications on state building in Europe. For instance, Germany was responsible for political and human turmoil witnessed in Poland during the start of the twentieth century. Germany onslaught on Polish territory resulted in the death of thousand of Polish citizens. This result in slow development of Poland, which in the past has been a recipient of massive amounts of aid from America. This paper makes a conclusion that Europe’s past provides an insightful point of reference upon which one can undertake comparisons. There are several similarities in state building in Europe but also huge disparities between modern day third world nations. A common characteristic in the third world nations is democratic institutions, which lack legitimacy, which is in stack contracts to Europe’s well-entrenched democratic institutions of governance such as the legislature, and judiciary that the citizenry believe in. Clearly, there are obvious disparities between state building in Europe and the third world nations. Violence is common phenomena employed as tool to cause a revolution or enable the state to consolidate power and create order forcefully. Tilly and Cohen’s radical views with regard to the existence of the state and Gerschenkron’s insight into economic history provide insightful perspectives on state building.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Case study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Case study - Essay Example Having a reliable cost estimate in place for the Worplestrop company would be important for the management to make decisions concerning the use of the company cash and ensuring that the software development and of cost data in information systems is implemented as planned. Therefore this kind of preliminary cost analysis is important in areas where there are scarce funds. Having a rough estimate on the cost of a project is important factor in ensuring the success of the project. Preparing a budget estimate at the early stages of the cost accounting software implementation brings together the previous cost data and the skills of estimation coupled with relevant project experience (Fonnow 2006). Budget Control Methods and System Cost Cost estimation on project implementation is never an exact science. Therefore, Worplestrop’s management need to put their effort towards affordable cost estimates projects that lie within the company budget. In order for the company to work within their budget calls for the use of consistent and comprehensive methodology (Gilbert 2011). However, even with the use of such methodology more concern should be given to the project to ensure the quality of the cost estimate. This cost estimate was therefore prepared through a thorough research and comparison with similar projects in other companies that have been done before and needed my professional judgment in its quality. This report further takes into account the coordination that is between the information systems planning cost estimates, the systems design cost estimate and the universal specifications that shall be used in the real construction of this information system. The estimate of this information system is being valued at $ 0.5 million plus the of implementation and training. The cocomo mode of software pricing is recommendable in finding the real cost of such a software implementation. Other Available Systems The use of the information management system would provi de an added advantage to Worplestrop Company over her competitors. However, the partners need to be aware that there are other systems in the market that can be used in place of the Costing information system if the providers do not accept to deliver the software within the company budget. This company is structured along the functional lines and therefore any system that is put in place must be able to support the company goals. Other systems are identified in the following section: Financial Management Information Systems This system can be used in the organization by the financial managers and gives an analysis of the past and the present financial activities of the company. Moreover, the future financial obligations of the organization are given by this software and has control over the use of the organization funds over time. Manufacturing Management Information System Presently the operations of any business has been affected by the changes in technology and therefore Worplest rop is no exception. The manufacturing operations in any company ought to change due to this dynamic factor. Inventories are provided to avoid use of large sums of money for warehousing in big inventories. Thus this kind of system would be important in managing in such scenarios. With this system there is no need for warehousing. Marketing Management Inf

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Contract Law assignment question Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Contract Law assignment question - Essay Example When the execution of the contract was considered the duty of the promise under legal and contractual means will come under consideration. This is dealt under 1. legal duty, 2. duty arises from the contract, 3. the duty arised from the contract. According to the UK law commission recommendations the consideration of the duty must not be against the law and public policy. This point is derived from the traditional law. Under common law the term consideration is a controversial requirement for the contracts. This is considered controversial because this is not necessary in civil law systems and it is considered in law of obligations and the contexts involving the criminal offences. This controversial thing was introduced in the law because, both the parties that entered into a contract will bargain and this bargain will come to the fore or disappears when any one breaches the contract. So, in that context, if the situation does not come under civil law the consideration term is taken f or perusal. This is for avoiding unnecessary or unintentional advantage for other party. In the case of Eastwood v. Kenyon the guardian of a young girl raised loan for her education. This is in the intention of improving her marriage prospects. After her marriage the court held that the husband need not pay the loan as the loan raised for the education of the girl was a past consideration. Two parties can enter into a future contract regarding sale and purchase. When a person is having enough goods that he can sell. for reasonable profit after a certain time and a person who wants to make profit by buying certain goods after a period of time can make a future contract. The supplier must sell the goods by

WEEK5 Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

WEEK5 - Research Paper Example This work will be illuminating the ideal salesmanship. Salespersons make a part of daily life as they often approach us, or they appear almost everywhere around us; be it in the offices, at home, shopping malls or even at commercial eateries. This explains why I have interacted with an uncountable number of them, all portraying different, sometimes contradicting features. However, from this unlimited number, I could rank them all ranging from the most unpleasant to the most pleasant. Though my experience with most sale persons has never been entirely pleasant, I can at least pick the best performer of them. This happened to be a direct sales representative in a bank, who helped me into having my first bank account despite having been totally ignorant in this field. Calm in demeanor and direct in his words, this man was sure of everything he was telling me. He took me through each account type and advised me on the best of them to choose, later leaving me to make my personal decision. A few years after when I needed to change my account type, this same man gave me advice and I have never been regretful to date. I happened to have one most remarkably unpleasant experience with a salesperson in one of the mobile service provider companies in my country. Mobile phone accessories were on sale in this occurrence. The event having been a road show, almost every feature of it had been annoying except for how well persuasive he was that he managed to entice me into his ideas. To participate into their promotion, one had to make a deposit of some cash, and then get assigned a t-shirt to recognize them as a member there-of. One alarming action was how this man pressurized me into giving him this cash into his hand. I view this as inappropriate because a customer should do everything willingly without feeling coerced. I later picked from scattered pieces of paper, only to be told

Friday, August 23, 2019

The City Of Greensburg Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The City Of Greensburg - Essay Example The present evacuation program by the Department of Emergency Department seemingly fails to recognize the presence of the vulnerable population especially those who are disabled or those who are suffering from chronic illnesses. It is important to note that the City Council has made sure that all public buildings are easily accessible by the disabled people and even homes where there is a disabled person are advised to ensure that the home allows for easy movement of the disabled person. This is a great way enables the easy evacuation of disabled people or people suffering from chronic illnesses that impair their movement, in case a disaster occurs.Intensive care units in health care facilities normally cater for vulnerable patients of which some of them depend on life support machines that are powered by electricity and therefore, in case of a power blackout there are likely to die. However, healthcare facilities not only in the City of Greensburg but also in most parts of the count ry have a power back up or generators that will power-on immediately there is a power blackout and hence, ensuring that vulnerable patients are not affected. Nevertheless, in case of a disaster, the generators may even fail to provide power and patients will be transferred to other health care facilities where there is electricity. The evacuation of patients from facilities that have been affected by a disaster to safer facilities. If the severity of the disaster is not high to an extent that roads are inaccessible.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

A View Inside The Westboro Baptist Church Essay Example for Free

A View Inside The Westboro Baptist Church Essay Unlike most modern religious groups, the Westboro Baptist Church is unique in the fact that the organization doesn’t meet in a modern church setting. Instead, the Westboro Baptist Church meets on Sundays to picket and protest the funerals of people whom they feel have created blasphemous acts against God. This recently included the funeral of Apple’s co-founder Steve Jobs. In an October 7th cbsnews. com article journalist Edecio Martinez quoted Margie Phelps as posting on twitter, â€Å"He had huge platform†¦gave God no glory and taught sin. This in return yielded a great a greatly deal of responses by media, family, and some other government officials as well. This is the story behind the Westboro Baptist Church and its opposing counterparts. It is first important to understand the dynamics of the Westboro Baptist Church. Known for its fight against the alternative lifestyles of the homosexual community, the members of the Westboro Baptist Church have often times been referred to as the serial protesters and also have been characterized as a hate group. This church is an independent church founded by Fred Phelps in 1955. The group contains 71 members most of which are of Phelps family. Their congregations include picketing and the desecration of the American flag. Theologically speaking they refer to themselves as Calvinist. The church’s view is that most religious groups are Satan worshipers, frauds, and teach lies. They believe that â€Å"God Hates fags† and that it should be a crime. The two most notable groups that Westboro Baptist Church has chosen to picket are homosexuals and celebrities. This organization is without a question unique in its own rights. Since the Westboro Baptist Church popped up on the scene in Nov. 27, 1955, the public has had something to say about them. In efforts to expires the disapproval of the Westboro Baptist Church other groups have met in areas where the church was picketing and turned away from churches protesters. Perhaps one of the most famous counter protests happened after the September 11 attacks. One young man Jared Dailey , stood across from the group and held a sign that displayed, â€Å"NOT today Fred. † Two days later the number shifted from 1 to 86 people standing across from the group. In future protest against the group the slogan that began Dailey used has been popular in use. As a means to counter the Westboro Baptist church organizations such as, The Boston Center for the Arts and an ad-hoc group in Richmond countered the protest by doing pledges and then donating the money to LGBT (Lesbian, Bisexual, and Trans-gender) organizational projects. Others have arranged protest and hackers have been known to hack the Westboro batiste Church websites and disable them from the internet. There have been violent actions also against the group. There have been recorded incidents of angry mob attempting to attack the group, a fire near their meeting lace estimated at $10,000 in damage, and also Army Veteran Ryan Newell was arrested with ammo and an attempt on an attack of the group. For the most part the general public objects to the Westboro Baptist Church and their beliefs. Arguments on both sides of the debacle have both taking time out to use the First Amendment in their defense. The Westboro Baptist Church found themselves in hot water when the father of the Marine Lance Corporal Matthew A. Snyder sued them for defamation of character, invasion of privacy, and intentional infliction of emotional distress on June 5,2006. Although the court threw out the defamation and privacy suits due to the First Amendment the trial still went on for other charges. The family argued that even though the first amendment gives an American citizen the right to free speech it still is limited. On the judges mark the first amendment was recited and let it be known that if vulgar, offensive, or shocking statements were made, then that would be grounds of a guilty plea. The Plea was guilty on behalf of Fred and the other members of the Phelps family. The Westboro Baptist Church also took action as well, on July 21,2006; the ACLU (The American Civil Liberties Union) of eastern Missouri filed a suit for Shirley L. Phelps-Roper. This suit stated that the Missouri law saying that no one was allowed to picket in front of a church or a funeral an hour before or an hour after was preventing her from utilizing her right to religious liberty and free speech. Although the argument was relevant the courts still shot down the suit stating that â€Å"in individual states and cities the law is interpreted as they see fit because the amendment is vague as to the terms and conditions. The Phelps family continued on still to federal court in hopes of a win. On both sides of the argument each have had valid point that the first amendment protects both sides. As the situation continued, it called for the Supreme Court to step in. The Supreme Court stated that even though they do not agree with the Westboro’s acts they still have to aside with them due to the First Amendment of freedom of speech. The Supreme Court quoted â€Å"that freedom of speech is so central to the nation that it protects cruel and unpopular protests even, in this case, at the moment of a familys most profound grief. The Westboro Baptist Church is an organization of people with their own beliefs and opinions. Their religion no matter how extreme it may be is still what they believe to be a religion. Time has shown the world many interpretations of God worshipers, and many interpretations of religion, and the Bible. This is not the first group to have these views and probably won’t be the last. The world is a big place with many different people and it is important to look past the ignorance and see the importance of accepting everyone for who they are like it or not.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Closure of a large amount of mental hospitals

Closure of a large amount of mental hospitals There are many reasons as to why such a large amount of mental hospitals closed down, but to explore the reasons why they closed, we must look at the rise of the large institutions between the 19th century and the 1980s to understand its demise, why so many were built and why, for a small time period, they were successful. The mental hospital is defined as a hospital for the care and treatment of patients affected with acute or chronic mental illness. Between the 19th century and the 1980s, the mental hospital has been defined as the carer for mental illness. But after this golden age of care for mental illness, it has become a victim of decareration ever since leading to a decrease in mental hospitals and its admissions, but why? The discharge of a patient was once known as a good thing as it symbolised the success of that hospital through moral treatment (later replaced by psychiatric treatment) but even before this there was a much harsher system with the use of chains and straightjackets being the norm. As in the case of King George III who himself suffered from mental illness; patients were not seen as human beings, he was encaged, starved and beaten. The philosophy that therefore developed was the goal of a cure, to treat the patient in a therapeutic environment, To remove the patient from the midst of those circumstances under which insanity has been produced must be the first aim of treatmentà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦An entire change in the surroundings will sometimes of itself lead to recovery (Bean and Mounser 1993, 4 quoting Busfield, 1986) The mental hospital really began in Victorian times; hospitals were intentionally structured to be different from ordinary hospitals in terms of therapy, structure and location. (Rogers and Pilgrim 2010, 190). As where the general hospitals in the vicinity of a highly populated area, a mental hospital would have been deliberately built in a place that is not so populated. The mental hospital (or asylum as it was once known) is seen as a conventional and humane way with dealing with the mentally ill; one of the first legal acts to recognise this was the Lunacy Act of 1845 which made local counties build asylums and gave the authority to detain lunatics, idiots and persons of unsound mind. (Rogers and Pilgrim 2010, 190). It was enforced and regulated by the Lunacy Commission. At the time the only place for the mentally ill to go to were workhouses and private madhouses. As mentioned before this moral treatment was in reaction of the harsh treatment normally given. One of the first inst itutions to use moral treatment was the York Retreat, The York Retreat was opened in 1796 by the English Quaker community as a reaction against the harsh treatment used by other asylums. The belief at the time was that the mad were wild beasts. The retreat was opened from The consciousness felt by a small group of citizens of an overwhelming social evil in their midst (Rogers and Pilgrim 2010,198 quoting Jones 1960:40), although state-run asylums did not pick up this form of treatment for a while. Andrew Scull, an American sociologist argued that the mass amount of people detained in asylums was a product of urbanization, industrialisation and professional forces during the first half of the 19th century and that detainment in asylums was a way to control social deviance.(Rogers and Pilgrim 2010,190) The increase in wage labour meant that services were not good enough to deal with this new form of social deviance meaning that the mentally ill could not be looked after by the family or local community, and around this time the stigma of how mental illness was a loss of humanity changed to the loss of self -control among the public. Meanwhile the French sociologist Michel Foucault sees that this new found market economy promotes rationality, surveillance and discipline'(Rogers and Pilgrim 2010,190) But with this change of direction in the treatment of the mentally ill, many institutions began to fill up with patients rapidly overfilling local magistrates estimates, which lead to several extensions to a mental hospital. An example of this is the Conley Hatch mental hospital in London which opened in 1851 and shut down in 1993 and at its peak it held 3,500 patients. Many institutions promoted that they had the cure for mental illness, which led to a great surge in patients. In 1998, Gittens produced research into a mental hospital in Essex and followed the lives of staff and patients in the hospital and found many contradictions about mental hospitals. He found In relation to women patients it is clear for example that the hospital, based as it was on men-only and women-only wards constituted a women-only space and true asylum in a social context in which there was little such space in external community life (Rogers and Pilgrim 2010, 191) He also found that there needs to be a restriction against outside forces such as social, economic and political conditions as they affect peoples abilities to deal with such material. As mentioned, its primary ideals were to treat patients with moral treatment yet this was forgotten about early on in its life, with the exaggerated numbers which local magistrates didnt expect and such serious illnesses, political bodies were urging to keep costs down. Legal acts such as The Mental Treatment Act 1930 which allowed voluntary admissions to mental hospitals, it was also the act that got rid of the term asylum, and many mental hospitals found that it was not necessary to keep voluntary patients institutionalised. This led to a slight decrease in patients but it wasnt until the 1950s that its fall became apparent. Goffman (Rogers and Pilgrim 2010, 192) found that there were four types of institutions because of this: Nursing homes, where the incapable are cared for Sanatoriums for those who have who have an unwanted threat to the community. Prisons, where the welfare of the inmate is not of paramount importance Monasteries and convents for those who volunteer to be away from the world In 1948 the NHS was created, this led to all mental institutions being free for everyone, psychiatrists wanted this to broaden their field of study. The Mental Health Act of 1959 aimed to provide informal treatment for mentally ill patients with the possibility of detaining a patient against his/her will One of the starting points of the crisis was in 1961, Enoch Powell, the minster of Health at the time, believed that mental hospitals were doomed institutions, so in 1961 he drafted The Hospital Plan where he planned to build thousands more hospitals and abolish certain mental institutes. The discharge of patients had become the policy of the demise of the asylum, subsequently the Community care blue book was published which offered an alternative system to the mental hospital; where mentally ill patients would see a specialist for an appointment just like a regular doctor, the patient could then carry on with their lives and live at home. The patient could live a fairly regular life and would stop the segregation from normal society; it would entail the patient receiving treatment in a non-asylum setting such as in a district general hospital psychiatric unit. However it is argued that it is society that made the patient mentally ill in the first place, within the institutions there is a guaranteed market for experts services where specialists could hone their skills, yet the asylum grew out of a need to establish a social order. The asylum had many problems as Goffman points out, he believes in the mortification of self when being admitted to a mental hospital, with self being defined as being constructed by the pattern of social control which exists in an institution.(Rogers and Pilgrim 2010,192) The persons past identity is completely stripped, their movement is restricted, hospital issue clothes are given and any personal belongings are taken away, they are then obliged to disown their former selves through confessions with the staff, there is no such thing as privacy and freedom of choice is extremely limited with all activities on a schedule. Wings (1962) research shows that feelings of withdrawal and apathy in patients was caused by their length of stay in a ward and the lack of a stimulating environment, good medical leadership is not enough to reduce these feelings in patients, as he says it is unlikely that the functions of am energetic reformer can be built in to the social structure of an institution. As John Connolly points out once confined, the very confinement is admitted as the strongest of all proofs that man must be mad. by 1990 the average asylum held 961 compared to in 1930 which held 1221. Once the asylum had reached its peak size, it realised that the patient was losing their individuality through being guided by the institutions rules; this resulted in a problematized re-entry into society. Originally the asylums were urged to be built by humanitarians, today the opposite is true, community care is now seen to be therapeutic and humanitarian, their return to the community legitimised community care as it deflected attention away from the demise of state responsibility for the seriously mentally ill and the current crisis of abandonment. (Bean and Mounser 1993, 8) During the time where many large institutions were on the brink of collapse Martin (1985) conducted research into what they were failing, he found that many of the failures were with the nursing staff whom participated in inhumane, brutal and threatening behaviour and committed mass negligence on their patients. He asked two questions. How do trained carers become to behave contrary to professional standards? And how have hospitals been arranged in such a way that abuse and neglect have not been prevented? To answer he found 6 points: Large institutions were situated outside mass populated areas meaning they were cut off from the community Wards were isolated from each other, and were almost their own little world Un trained and un experienced staff were left to deal will large amounts of unruly patients, The worst wards were the ones rarely visited by a specialist, leaving the junior staff to do the work leading to a lack of leadership There was a lack of staff development through staff training courses etc There was a huge lack of privacy for the patients (Rogers and Pilgrim 2010, 194) These factors led scholars to doubt that the large asylums could be put right and doubted that they could be reformed. They believe that there is a huge corruption of care. Ultimately every single patient will leave a mental institute whether they are ready to return into society or not and the goal is to cease contact with the hospital afterwards, scholars believe that the hospital, now in a community based system, has less of an importance it once had and is only one institution among others. The community based system is where the patient makes their first and last contact with treatment, they will enter the hospital for a short time and continue their treatment in the community as their treatment does not require hospital admission. This process is known as deinstitutionalisation as patients will not be treated by hospital based treatment and instead will be by community based psychiatrists. However this is not new, in the old system the patient may have made his/her first contact with a G.P and then sent to a mental hospital for treatment, although this has not changed there are now community psychiatric teams to send the patient to the hospital an d to treat them inside and outside the hospital, The old system had a sole focus on the hospital, today it no longer directs, controls nor dictates the pace of treatment or care (Rogers and Pilgrim 2010, 196) There is a whole array of reasons discussed as to the demise of mental hospitals, one reason is the pharmalogical revolution which suggests that the advances in medical treatments, such as tranquilizers let patients be discharged in mass numbers, the introduction of chlorpromazine in 1952 made it easier to manage disturbed behaviour, and therefore easier to open wards that had been locked, to engage patients in social activities, and to discharge some of them into the community Rogers and Pilgrim 2010,197 quoting Gelder et al 2001,769) Scull blames economic determinism and decareceation for this massive decline in the use of mental hospitals, he believes that it was state sponsored policy of closing down asylums, with the emergence of the welfare state, segrative control mechanisms became too expensive. Inflation contributed by unpaid patient labour and cost of employees, ex-patients also required care which had considerable costs, community care was the cheaper option. Another reason would be the shift of focus from chronic conditions to acute conditions such as depression and anxiety which has been described as the common cold for mental health specialists, these acute conditions were once treated by mental hospitals but it has shifted to the GP and is easily treated by them meaning that the majority of people with mental heath problems never seek specialist treatment. Additionally, as mentioned before community care played a significant role in the downfall of asylums, many specialists found that a change of sce nery was very beneficial to the patient, even patients with long-term chronic illnesses can return to society and live in community residences with good results making the mental hospital useful for a short period yet quickly and easily disposed of at point of departure; no longer serving any purpose nor use to the ex-patient. However many studies have found that many psychiatric wards are non-therapeutic and that they share the same problems as they did in the Victorian era, mainly because , according to Goffman, they act as a repair garage; a problem is brought in, fixed and then sent out. Only medication is given, total care is not. A study conducted by Braginsky, Braginsky and Ring (1973) found that the minor patients all wanted to go home, while the more serious cases had no interest in leaving and instead maximised their comforts in the hospital as theyd rather stay in the hospital than become a victim of poverty outside . The focus has also shifted to the cause and solution of mental health, epidemiology (the study of patterns of health and illness in public health) and treatment were separated in the era of the mental hospital, today they are much closer, the hospital has disappeared leaving the attention to the inequalities in mental health prevention and positive mental health To conclude, the mental hospital has made leaps and bounds in the field of mental health with its aim to understand mental health scientifically and tried to cure mental illness, even though that was deemed impossible. Its failure was mainly due to costs and the shift of attention to other fields of treatment. Yet two types of institution has been created due to this, community mental health centres and district general hospital units both modern in their treatment. Although there are still many similarities, high risk patients are still held against their will. Overall the care is much more professional, information is available over the internet, telephone or even the television, but more importantly there is a focus on the patients life and freedom, many may argue that the government still no longer offers a complete care system, but its a start.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Quantity Surveying And Construction Management Construction Essay

Quantity Surveying And Construction Management Construction Essay The Qatar Construction Industry aims to form a complete waste management plan make honest with the state master plan and with a strong stress on recycling. The targets are to recycle 38 % of solid waste, up from the current 8 %, and cover domestic waste group at 1.6 kg/day, the Qatar National Development Strategy (NDS) 2011-2016 has exposed. Qatar produces more than seven hundred thousand tonnes of solid waste every one day. Much of it is crowded into landfills, with the underdeveloped recycling industry handling only 8 % of the waste At presently 91 % of nondomestic waste is taken in a straight line to landfills, and the bulk of what is eventually recycled is picked through by companies that sift through the waste at the landfills. Qatar will take on an involved strategy to cover the levels of waste produced by industry and to recycle much more of what waste is produced. The government published a policy text (QSAS) in 2010 in order to try and initiate better waste management activities within the construction sector. This chapter appraises to introduce the dissertation according the following sections: background of the research; the research aim and objectives, outline methodology for the research; and the structure of the dissertation. The purpose of this chapter is to explore the background of the research set out the setting for details of the dissertation, the importance, and further more continue with an exploration of the research aims and the chapter conclude with an outline of the objectives; literature review, data collection and analysis. Its comprise the entire chapter which are contain in the dissertation and finalize with an explanation of the dissertation structure. BACKGROUND The waste management has been a long issue worry for the public, Increasing the Amount of waste by increasing the population producing, therefor continually been a concern that where waste drives or sprits. It is being determined by the most economically feasible selection and with slight concern for the earth natural environment The principal importance is in waste escaping. Waste reduction can be defined as any technique, process or activity which avoids, eliminates or reduces a waste at its source, typically within the confines of the production unit (Williams, 2005). Producers must take responsibility for creating long-term produces with increased durability (Cooper, 1994). Waste decrease is the main to reducing the rising waste mountain and that is the main to sustainable waste management. In a construction site whether you can be as a contractor, subcontractor, site director or a site member of staff, discovery that how to reduce, reuse and recycle construction wastes is important. It will not only benefit to save money at site, but it also permits you to pay an important part to reduce the construction harm that construction waste effects to the environment. AIM The aim of the research is to identify and establish sustainability of waste reduce, reuse and recycle the waste in construction industry and analyzing the real presentation in the Doha Qatar Construction Industry. OBJECTIVE To identify the percentage waste management practice within the construction industry in relation to barrier/block. Finding out how does the waste in construction been produced To identify the answers why wastes are arise in construction site and the solution on it To identify the solutions for incredulous barrier and recommend more sustainable methods. To identify the feasible answer to overcome barrier and to advise practical recommendation using best available method on how waste can be achieved advance sustainably. Identify the solution for solving the waste reduce, reuse and recycle the waste for a better environment. OUTLINE RESEARCH METHODOLGY The Outline of the research methodology is limited to literature review, data collection and analysis. The involved review of establish waste management theory form Books, journals and internet finding. The important concerns were found on this research to explore more and from the research exploration to be used questionnaires to assembled facts. The exploratory questionaries assemble to enlarge the research in an excellence method. The questionnaires was focused more than 150 organization within the Doha Qatar Construction Industry and the inquiry was mainly conducted through the Email and online questionnaires The data which are collected would then be analyzed to gain a conclusion towards the dissertation. More details about the methodology are mentioned in chapter 4 of this dissertation. STRUCTURE OF THE RESEARCH The dissertation is basically contains three main parts which are introduction, literature review and analysis of the collected data through questionnaires. The dissertation subject into six chapters, start with the introduction of the waste management, its comprising background to the study, aim and objectives and the explanation for undertaking the research. The second chapter comprises the concept of the waste and waste management. The three chapters comprise the concept of alternative materials used in construction. The chapter four comprises the research methodology used to data collection. The chapter five comprises analysis the questionnaires result consequence and discussion of the essential discovery for the research and the final chapter six completes the research process review and recommendation. SUMMARY The chapter set out to introduce the through a discussion of background to the research, its aim and objectives, the methodology to be employed and the details of the dissertation content. The research mainly concern to the aim of the dissertation is to explore sustainable waste management in Doha Qatar Construction Industry and explore the research objectives of the research. As a final point, the chapter accomplishes with an account of the dissertation structure. CHAPTER two Literature review CHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIEW 1. INTRODUCTION The chapter primarily comprise the basic principal of sustainable waste management within Doha Qatar Construction Industry. It is mainly focussing the alternative material recovered and recycled form the construction waste as well. And review of the percentage construction industry in Doha Qatar. 2. WASTE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM The Waste management in construction needs planning as it is a necessary portion in the commencement of the tendering and in the complete project planning. Construction planning is completed in feature, the way to deliver the project on period, the quality of the project and within an proper financial plan. (Karim. K, 2000) A related method wants to be completed for waste management also. A waste management plan is a main portion of the route, similar other planning basics of the planning development. Generally in obverse area of the project place will be used as a loading area, by means of the material which are approaching to the site can be kept at this point and the back part will be used for storage the waste material, which will be kept in not the same hops, and little by little transported on view of the site with a loading truck (Guthrie and Mallet, 1995). The whole of labors on site want to be well knowledgeable around the method and techniques that are predictable of them in respects to reusing and recycling produces. Definite coloured baskets will cover convinced kind of waste. There would be baskets for recycling and rubbish mainly, every time the baskets are full, they will be deserted in the filling trucks, and in turns transported off site for further practices. In advance, the works bring into being, let easy right to use to storing zones to make sure that the materials are secure from some damage, and also let every single worker know where to discovery the storing zone for the specific kinds of materials. It is greatest to stock the materials away from waste materials. 2. CONCEPT OF WASTE MANAGEMENT The waste management is the conduct of waste materials. It can be almost anything and a primary objective of waste management today is to protect the public and the environment from potentially harmful effects of waste. The waste material is harmful by product of building progression in the construction sector and waste management is an essential method of finding and trating waste in order to minimize (BRE, 2003). One of the largest waste producers is the construction industry and the waste is producing 32 tons for disposal per year [Over view Construction waste in Doha Qatar, 2007]. 3. RECYCLING AND RECOVERY The recycling and recovery is the point if the waste cannot be re-used. Recycling and recovery only be carry out when the product no bigger functions or cannot be repaired (Cooper, 1994). Recycling can be defined as the followings; Collection Separation Clean-up Processing To produce the market productivity, Williams (2005) 4. WASTE TREATMENT The waste to reduction is going to landfill. Alternative waste treatment which create a negligible impact on environment as following; Recycling Composting Energy from waste Mechanical Biological Treatment Pyrolysis Gasification Combined pyrolysis-gasification Anaerobic digestion Mechanical Heat Treatment. Williams (2005). 5. KEY CONCERNS ON CONSTRUCTION WASTE The Qatar Construction Industry aims to form a complete waste management plan make honest with the state master plan and with a strong stress on recycling. The aims are to recycle 38 % of solid waste, up from the current 8 %, and cover domestic waste group at 1.6 kg/day, the Qatar National Development Strategy (NDS) 2011-2016 has exposed. Qatar produces more than seven hundred thousand tonnes of solid waste every single day. Much of it is crowded into landfills, with the underdeveloped recycling industry handling only 8 % of the waste. The Domestic waste about 30 % and, with nondomestic waste from construction industrial accounting for the rest. At this time 91 % of nondomestic waste is taken in a straight line to landfills, and the bulk of what is eventually recycled is picked through by companies that sift through the waste at the landfills. Qatar will take on an involved strategy to cover the levels of waste produced by industry and to recycle much more of what waste is produced. Ministry of Department of Environment MoE (2022) classify that the construction and demolition waste into five groups which are following; Construction and renovation- wood, roofing, fixtures, wall board, ductwork and piping, insulation materials and carpet. Roadwork- asphalt, concrete and earth filling. Excavated- earth, sand and stone. Building demolition- mixed rubble, concrete, steel beams and pipes, bricks, timber, fixture and fitting wastes. Site clearance- trees, brush, earth and the potential for mixed concrete rubble and sand. Most of the issues contribute to the construction waste generation on site. Most usually documented sources of construction waste are design, operational, material handling and procurement. Designated that the considerable amount of construction waste on site is directly associated to design mistakes. The construction industry is nature; it is essential that relies on good communication and close intersection for positive project delivery. It is mean the practical waste reduction strategies can only be expressed and implemented when interested party understand the original and reasons of the construction waste. 5. DIRECT AND INDIRECT WASTES Indirect wastes are always producing from the design stages of the construction project. These wastes are able to be preventing by having a good waste management, planning and foresight and as for direct wastes are produce form the construction project progress stages (Chris, 2009). 5.1 DIRECT WASTES Substitution of other material Impropriate scale of drawing have been produce Builder error such as over-digging in dimension and incorrect setting out Return of work to complete unfinished work. 5.2 INDIRECT WASTES Transport waste Site storage Conversation and cutting waste Material handling Lack of management in construction project Streaming from material that are wrongly specified 5. THE WASTE HIERARCHY The Gulf Cooperation Council GCC states accepted a continuous waste management scheme and a specialist upkeep trick for waste making, collection, sorting, treatment and disposal. Most of the waste management creeds and plans applied are based on universally recognized scientific method counted in Waste Management Hierarchy as shown on figure 00. Description: C:UsersirfanDesktop186567195.gif Figure 00: Waste hierarchy Source: Description: C:UsersirfanDesktop186567198.gif Figure 00: Waste hierarchy Source: The waste is escaping in the best perfect choice in the hierarchy. The theory dishonesties within the basis of not making the waste during the construction doing. 6. LANDFILLS IN DOHA QATAR The waste management located in Mesaieed in Doha Qatar is expected to decrease the waste disposed of in landfill to 3 % to 5 %, in this manner reducing the share of total waste sent to landfill from 92 % to 64 % ( The proficiency also will alter waste to energy and rise the level of waste recycling form 8 % to between 20 % and 25 %. It will be the five transfer positions as South Doha, West Doha, Industrial area, Dukhan and Al khor. Prepared with collection bunkers for splitting reusable such materials as concrete (aggregate), concrete (Block) metal (steel), timber and, glass are be % case in points of how companies can create practice or use of such materials. This will be helped to minimise the waste generation in the Qatar Construction Industry. The Qatar Construction Industry aims to form a complete waste management plan make honest with the state master plan and with a strong stress on recycling. The targets are to recycle 38 % of solid waste, up from the current 8 %, and cover domestic waste group at 1.6 kg/day, the Qatar National Development Strategy (NDS) 2011-2016 has exposed. At % 91 % of nondomestic waste is taken directly to landfills, and the bulk of what is eventually recycled is picked through by companies that sift through the waste at the landfills. Qatar will take on a involved strategy to cover the levels of waste produced by industry and to recycle much more of what waste is produced. 7. TREND OF WASTE GENERATION IN DOHA QATAR In December 1997, the Gulf Cooperation Council GCC countries adopted a uniform waste management system and an detecting instrument for waste production, collection, sorting, treatment and disposal. Most of the waste management regulations and strategies adopted are based on universally accepted scientific approach enumerated in Integrated Waste Management Hierarchy. 186567197 Figure 00: Waste Trend Source: 8. WASTE MANAGEMENT IN DOHA QATAR CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY The Qatar Ministry of Environment MoE has arranged the fresh standards for the construction and demolition of waste material, defining what are the materials are satisfactory for recycling and re-usable in the construction industry in Doha Qatar. The new standard have been arranged with a view to establishing a fresh waste management talent, in positive techniques like to the Ministry of Environments Domestic solid waste management centre already in process near to Mesaieed Industrial City. The MoE said that a new facility to form neat the existing landfills to process Twenty Thousand tonnes of construction waste produced in Doha Qatar Industry. Around 40-50 % of construction and demolition waste is re-useable, but at the moment most of it is deposited in landfills. The following Table 00, 00 are display the arrangement of waste produced during the construction activities in Doha Qatar. NO DESCRIPTION OF MATERIALS WASTE 1 Timber 38 % 2 Soil 18 % 3 Plastic 11 % 4 Cardboards 8 % 5 Metals 8 % 6 Hard Materials 8 % 7 Bio Organic 5 % 8 Cast formless 2 % 9 Gypsum 1 % 10 Chemicals or Paint 1 % Table 00- Doha Qatar Construction Waste Arrangement Source: Qatar Construction Site ( No Description of Materials Waste Type Waste 1 Timber 46 % 38 % 2 Soil 38 % 18 % 3 Plastic 46 % 11 % 4 Cardboards 46 % 8 % 5 Metals Recyclable 8 % 6 Hard Materials 38 % 8 % 7 Bio Organic 46 % 5 % 8 Cast formless 38 % 2 % 9 Gypsum 46 % 1 % 10 Chemicals or Paint Hazardous 1 % Table 00- Doha Qatar Construction Waste Arrangement Source: Qatar Construction Site ( 9. RECOVERY OPTIONS The Qatar aims to establish a wide ranging solid waste management plan aligned with the master plan and with the strong on recycling. Recovery is defined by the QDS in its document, assistance on MWMS as the worth to gain value form waste through recycling, other form of material, or recovery of energy and compositing. The Doha Qatar target to recycle 38 percentage of solid waste, up from the percentage 8 %, and contain domestic waste group 1.6kg/ day, the Qatar National Development Strategy QDS 2001 to 2006 has revealed (QDS 2009). Therefor gives value to waste, and attempts to create a situation where the landfill of waste, becomes an economically un-viable disposal route (Waite 1995). 10. RECOVERIES AND ENERGY FROM WASTE The recovery from waste as well-defined within the Waste Strategy is to achieve done of the followings. The statutory recovery targets as set by the Doha Qatar Ministry of Environment (MoE) are; Composting Recycling Energy Recovery Other forms of Materials Recovery Source: QSAS 11. WHAT IS SUSTAINABLE CONSTRUCTION Sustainable construction is meeting environmental and social duties, and same while successful effectiveness. The important features of sustainable construction are similar to those set for sustainable development. The end result is to decrease a firms detrimental things on the environment. Sustainable construction is usually used to describe the application of sustainable development to the construction industry, and balances 4 elements are following; Effective protection deed of the environment Prudent use of natural resources Social growth which recognizes the wants of everyone Maintenance of high and stable levels of economic growth and employment (CIRIA1, 2001). The industry is distinct by a number of subdivisions, all who plan, design, build, alter or maintain the built environment. Also its subsidiaries, those who making materials, suppliers, and end of life occupiers or owners. The entire life cycle of any structure, from initial concept to demolition must be encompassed in the meaning of sustainable construction. Buildings and structures alteration the face of towns and countryside, and their construction, use, repair, maintenance, and demolition consume vast amounts of energy and resources compared to many other industrial sectors, (DETR, 2000). 13. WHAT THE CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY CAN PREPARE There is the first step in moving to sustainable development; it is recognizing the strategic benefits of business environmental management can carry and to ensure that commitment to the environmental development exists in company (Welford1, 1998). In business, the concept of sustainability also embraces the three themes of the environment, economy and society. Bring changeover to sustainable construction, individual firms must comprehend and receive the devastating things their activities are having upon the environment, and the status of operating in an environmentally friendly manner. They will then have to commit to not only approving to modification how they function, but really set up a pro-active outline for all employees, suppliers, and sub-contractors to adhere to. Sustainable businesses that show social corporate responsibility profit financially through more efficient actions and use of resources expand their corporate image; and maintain a modest advantage, (MaSC, BRE, 2005). There are a number of steps firms can take towards sustainable construction, as identified by CIRIA, (2000). Create a commitment to address their influences Aim to be the finest and standard their performance Life cycle costs of products and their impacts Communicate with stakeholders with environmental and social reports Work with others in the supply chain to increase the act Develop staff awareness through training 14. PROFITS OF SUSTAINABLE CONSTRUCTION The ten themes for action discussed above simply make good industry intelligence, e.g. designing a project for minimal waste (DTI1, 2003). 14.1 ENVIRONMENTAL Sustainable act can deliver significant business efficiency success. Thin construction and pollution deterrence can create the calculable cost savings. Recycling further waste material will minimize landfill tax and material purchasing costs. Improve competence through regulatory obedience Improve public and enhanced particular standing. Evasion of pollution events, averting penalties, law court overheads and bad public relations. 14.2 SOCIAL Improving proof of output improvements for staff complicate in environmental and social presentation improvement provisions. Commencing a social viewpoint, financial aids rise from better affairs with the clients, local groups and other sponsors. Well health and safety performs to develop competence and minimize accidents, saving both managerial time and legal costs and fines. 14.3 ECONOMICAL There are significant chances available to improve or stand marketplace Point. Making and business Doings will not be forced by local opposition, regulatory bodies or client necessities. Improving project supply is essential to construct trust with the clients, improve success and advantage. Inspire mutual, favorable long term relations with the clients. Source: CIRIA1, 2001 15 THE TEN THEMES FOR SUSTAINABLE CONSTRUCTION The essential to develop performance in the construction industry is necessary for it to become more sustainable. Managing and decreasing the environmental influences of buildings and structures, and the methods of construction, is a common starting for many organisations wishing to address sustainability (DETR1, 2000). Re- use existing built assets, and renovate which develops their sustainability, where likely. Design for minimum waste. Design out waste at all stages of product, building or structure, think about using recycled materials. Aim for lean construction, working on continuous improvement and high quality work. Decrease energy in construction; be aware of energy consumption during construction. Decrease energy in use, consider more energy efficient solutions in the design stage. Do not pollute, understand environmental impacts and adopt an EMS or ISO to manage. Preserve and enhance biodiversity throughout the construction process, from extraction of materials to landscaping buildings. Conserve water resources, design for water efficiency in buildings. Respect people and their local environment, be responsive to community and consider your workforce. Set Targets to measure and compare your performance against others, set targets for Continuous improvement. (DETR1,2000 DTI1, 2003) 16. CONCLUSIONS The Chapter is generally defining to establish recommendation for Sustainable Waste Management in Doha Qatar Construction industry. The chapter will review the research objective of the dissertation; the chapter will then come to an end with an investigation of suitable recommendation of regarding Sustainable waste management system in Doha Qatar construction industry. CHAPTER three Alternative materials for construction CHAPTER THREE ALTERNATIVE MATERIALS USR FOR CONSTRUCTION 1. INTRODUCTION Maximum of the waste will be produced from the construction industry and the source of the waste is produced must be known at the early stage as it will expansion good effect in waste management development. The materials identical like concrete (aggregate), concrete (Block) metal (steel), timber and glass. 2. CONCRETE (AGGREGATE) Each quantity of concrete waste that is recycled for aggregate in fresh concrete would protect almost a quantity of key aggregate that comes from the countryside or dredged from the seas. Recycling concrete keeps money, and has further environmental aids. 2.1 THE KEY REASONS OF THE WASTE OF CONCRETE ON THIS SITE COMPRISE Unexpected modifications on design Improper proportions of aggregate, water and cement Purchasing too much Over pouring Pumping waste Incorrect use of material 2.2 METHODS IN WHICH TO RECYCLE CONCRETE Recycle the concrete and use it as aggregate for other local site as new concrete; it will protects/save the aggregate and waste disposal charges. The Recycle concrete waste as sub base in roads or fill-in works. The leftover aggregate can be transported off the site, by the loading vehicles as soon as the endorsed sum has been used on site. concrete-disposal Figure 0: Concrete Waste (Aggregate) Source: 3. CONCRETE (BLOCK) Approximately 6 % to 28 % of concrete blocks results in waste in construction (QCS. 2007). 3.1 THE CHIEF BASES OF THE WASTE OF CONCRETE BLOCKS COMPRISE Unexpected changes on design Over purchasing the quantity Incorrect conduct of the blocks and stacking The arrangement of the concrete walls and the columns 3.2 METHODS IN WHICH TO RECYCLE CONCRETE BLOCKS COMPRISE Practice greater pieces for erosion control Castoff as a substitute for landscaping stone Castoff as new aggregate for other sites Castoff as sub base on new roads 3.3 RECYCLING CONCRETE WASTE Initially, when the concrete waste has been elated from the baskets on site to the loading trucks to be additional elated off-site, we need to discover, waste of concrete can be used for it, Then eliminate whatever within the concrete that could contaminate the concrete, (CIRIA, 1995) and then crush the concrete with a mobile crusher to the size of aggregate, if need be. Then store the crushed concrete in a separate area, so no other materials are dumped there. Then use it for other requirements. Construction Waste Recycling Figure 00: Concrete Waste (Block) Source: 4. REUSE OF METAL (STEEL) RECOVERED FORM WASTE Steel is an ideal material to recycle. In fact 30% of all steel products in construction are now made from recycled steel (Guthrie, P M, 1997) and the steel waste in construction it is able to recycle up to an approximately 90% of the total (Karim. K, 2000). 4.1 CAUSES FOR METAL WASTE Over-ordering Faulty workmanship Incorrect handling Improper type of metal Scope of cut-offs on site Approach of workers 4.2 REDUCE METALS The greatest method to decrease any metal waste is to order a made to measure bar from the manufacturer, it would be set for use and will not essential any decoration or bending. 4.3 RE-USE OF METALS Principal is to check the prospects on site, and if it is not, you might stock the materials somewhere else, for it to be used another time. When storing the metal, it is necessary to separate it from other metals. Loading trucks are wanted to carrying the metal waste off-site. 4.4 RECYCLING METALS The greatest method to recycle metal is to shift scrap metal by the quantity to local salvage operators, the price of metal differs according to the variety. Materials identical like aluminum will be more valued than say ferrous metals. The metal waste that is made on site, will then be disposed of in the according basket, and additional later dumped into the loading trucks for it to be used somewhere else. 1641988-91588-james-hardy-altopress-maxppp-construction-waste-rebar-from-reinforced-concrete Figure 00: Metal Waste (Steel) Source: 5. TIMBER The timber creation waste can come in various methods, from pallets which other goods were shipped with, engineered timber and treated timber. Wood wastage typically happens in residential construction industry and renovation works doings as the main produce. This is faced to concrete waste, which is more often produced in commercial sites involving demolition. Other factors such as the geographical location of the site and the framing methods used effect the amount of timber waste made. 5.1 REDUCE TIMBER The method to decrease the timber waste is best that those who are comprise to timber work are proper train with carpentering skill to handle for minimal the off cut or incorrect cut of the measurement. All timber are wanted to store in dry area due to water moisture will damage the timber. 5.2 RE-USE OF TIMBER Most of the timber that are not completely loss are to cut and store for advance use in storage or un-nailing all other timber after use and move them for more use if are refillable. 5.3 RECYCLING TIMBER Chipped timber, off cut and damage timber are

Monday, August 19, 2019

Inclusion :: essays research papers

Educational Psychology Inclusion What a society feels about it’s diverse membership, particularly about citizens who are different, is expressed in the institutions of that society. A close look at the major institutions of our society the schools, the legislatures, and the courts should tell us a lot about the place of exceptional children in our society. In the category of exceptional children one would find a list of any and every child that requires education in academic matters as well as life skills. These children must work at things that average society takes for granted. Out of this group of exceptional children has risen a disability that is drawing more and more attention known as Down Syndrome. The obvious reason for Down Syndrome children to come to the forefront is their parents. By this I mean that studies have shown that a couple with two or more college degrees among them are more likely to have a Downs baby then that of a couple of high school drop outs. This odd occurrence has lead to more affluent families to give birth to one or more Downs babies. The limitations facing a Downs child will affect the child’s whole life and it is the environmental circumstances around him that determine how he fares in life. Included in these circumstances are his family and their unity and maybe most importantly his level of education. In our society education plays a big part in all we do and this serves no difference for the Downs child. As we look back in time, we find that the notion of educating every child to achieve his or her greatest potential is a relatively new concept. The current use of the term exceptional is itself a reflection of the radical changes in societies views of people whom differ from the norm. The world has come along way from the Spartans’ practice of killing infants who did not meet their standards of normalcy, but the journey has been slow, moving from neglect and mistreatment, to pity and overprotection and finally to acceptance and integration to the fullest extent possible. The phrase "Acceptance and integration into society to the fullest extent possible† has been the topic of the most heated arguments in education today. The term integration has grown to include such devices as inclusion and mainstreaming. Although the U.S. has come a long way from the 1850’s when 60 percent of people living in poor houses would today have been classified as exceptional.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

The Pearl Essays -- Literary Analysis, John Steinbeck

In history there are a variety of tragic events that influence everything that surrounds them, such as World War II. World War II changed societies, recast intellectual assumption, altered racial and gender relations, and more. (Lee 5) Because of World War II, it helped the author John Steinbeck into writing the novel The Pearl. In the novel the main setting of the story took place in Mexico, as well as the Gulf of California. This setting was chosen by the author because â€Å"Indians of Mexico had been under the domination of people of Spanish decent† (Barron’s14). In the story you can see the different styles of living compared to rich and poor. Kino and his family didn’t have much money and were established at the bottom of the social class. Kino lived where â€Å"across the brush fence were other brush houses, and the smoke came from them too, and the sound of breakfast† (Steinbeck 2). On the other hand the upper class live a different lifestyle compared to Kino. Where the doctor lived he had money and was located â€Å"where the brush houses stopped and the city of stone and plaster began, the city of harsh outer walls and inner cool gardens† (Steinbeck 5). The reader can clearly see the two different styles of living in the novel. In the novel the characters are div ided into different social classes depending on how much money they have. Steinbeck created characters that fit the setting. In order for Steinbeck to figure out what kind of characters he wanted in his story he was an â€Å"observer of human nature† (Barron’s 1). The majority of Steinbeck’s characters were â€Å"down and out, isolated and oppressed† (Barron’s 1). The author wanted to show the struggle between the rich and the poor. By keeping this theme Steinbeck created the charac... ...any money. I, I alone in the world supposed to work for nothing† (Steinbeck 7). This shows the doctors greed for money. All the doctor cares about is if his patients have the money to pay for his work, otherwise he doesn’t have any sympathy for anybody especially Kino’s race. The doctor grew up as â€Å"a race which for nearly a hundred years had beaten and starved and robbed and despised Kino’s race† (Steinbeck 6). Cleary the doctor is similar to the Americans and how they treat other ethnicities because of their differences. Kino was treated the same way the Mexicans were. They both were judge for who they were and their own beliefs. Clearly there was a similarity to what happened in World War II and The Pearl, Kino and the Mexicans were mistreated throughout and had to face the hardships in life struggling to survive with their families.

student :: essays research papers

The first people that came upon the Ice Man were Helmut and Erika Simon that also meant that they were the first two to compromise the integrity of the site. When they got there they moved a birch bark bundle out of the way when they got (Page 8). The next person that came to the site was Markus Pirpamer, the manger of the Weisskugel Lodge. The way he affected the site was when he moved the axe from the rock next to the body to another rock that was close by, in addition to that he did some other general scavenging (Page 13). Anton Koler also came in and looked around the site, he even moved the axe in order to take a better picture of it (17 Page). Markus was the first to remove an item from the site, the axe (Page 17). Hans Kammerlander disturbed the site by taking the stick off the ledge near the string and fur and using it to hack away the ice around the body (Page 23). There are many thing that the could have been done better as far as the excavating of the Ice Man, the biggest being how they did it. Because every showed up at first with the thought of it being a recant accidentally death of a climber, show because of that they took less care of the scene than they would have if the new it was an archeological find. Koler used a mini jackhammer to try and unbury the Ice Man and while doing so he struck the body itself. All the moving around of all the things makes it impossible to know exactly were everything was in relation to Otzi. I has prevented us from learning for sure f this was the original place of death, meaning has the ice melted and moved this whole group half way down the mountain. This is brought up by the fact that the body was found with the blue ski clip, obviously not something from the time of the Otzi. Another thing that went wrong with the excavation is the way he molded because of the way he was left in the ice over night, eve n though covered. When dealing with the Ice Man the archaeologists had to apply different methods at different parts in time. At the very beginning before any of the real excavating had been started there was some relative dating done with the axe, using knowledge of previously found axes of this same type or style to try and put the Otzi in a time period.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Thomas Gordon’s Concept of “Twelve Roadblocks to Effective Communication”

The objective of communication is to obtain a close rapport between interlocutors. If the goal is reached, it is easier to tackle with the encountered problem. This is the way how Thomas Gordon, the author of the bestseller â€Å"Parent Effectiveness Training† (1970, New York), perceives the role of good listening. In order to focus readers’ attention on fundamental mistakes people make, he listed twelve common types of ineffective responses.These are so called â€Å"Twelve Roadblocks to Effective Communication† or, playfully, â€Å" The Dirty Dozen†. Gordon claims that they act as communication barriers because they interrupt the process of solving the problem, whereas our verbal support should be limited to directing partner’s thoughts until the partner comes up with the solution. What is more, instead of encouraging, these responses carry a harmful meaning which is often unintentional.On the basis of what kind of hidden message they convey, those twelve roadblocks can be divided into five groups: utterances that communicate intolerance, ones of inadequacies and faults, ones that deny there is a problem, ones solving the problem for the person and the last ones which divert the person from the problem. The first group consist of responses that tell our interlocutor that we do not accept his or her point of view. Responses like ordering, directing or commanding communicate that your partner’s needs are being ignored.Warning or threatening may cause resentment, anger, resistance and rebellion. Giving advice (â€Å"shoulds† and â€Å"oughts†), making suggestions, providing solutions produces a situation when the helper thinks he or she is superior to the other person. Additionally, responses involving persuading with logic, arguing, lecturing and moralizing, preaching, telling them their duty assure your partner of their low self-esteem and will bring counter-arguments. Judging, criticizing, disagreeing, bl aming and shaming, ridiculing, labeling, name-calling, stereotyping go together.These responses obviously make the partner feel incompetent and inadequate. In effect, there is no place for effective communication. Nevertheless, replies including Interpreting and analyzing plays the same role. A group of roadblocks that deny there is a problem comprises such responses as reassuring, sympathizing, consoling as well as agreeing, approving and praising. Making your partner feel better, instead of listening, does not have a desired effect in a helping relationship. It simply ends the struggle with the problem, for example ‘You’ve done the right thing’.Next group goes for responses that solve the problem for the partner. At first glance, there is nothing devastating in questioning and probing. However, one should ask right questions. Questions like ‘Why? ’, ‘Where? ’, ‘Who? ’, ‘When? ’ may occur too deep and messy. Wi thdrawing, distracting, humoring, changing the subject belong to the last category. Responses, such as , ‘Let’s talk about that some other time’ or ‘That reminds me of†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢, diminish the problem and make your partner feel unimportant. Therefore, there is little chance to pursued the problem. It will be postponed and never solved.